& Hostelline

& Hostelline

Hostelling is a mobile app that helps art students find cheap hostel rooms when visiting museums around the world. If they’re on an artist’s budget, chances are they’ll be using this app a lot. Once they’re logged into their account, booking their next place to stay takes just seconds away.
Art Direction

Anthony DeLuca


Lead UI/UX Designer


Figma, Sketch, XD

Brand Identity

Since the audience for this app is college-age art students who love visiting museums, I identified the branding tone as friendly, energy, happy, and artistic, allowing the design to look and feel both modern and familiar. Because of this, I decided to use line elements and a red, blue and yellow color palette which match the De Stijl style.

Problem & Research

According to the study, booking a suitable hotel can be difficult for an art student with a limited budget, therefore youth hostels became their first choice. But what kind of roommate will they have? I noticed many of my classmates had similar problems when they traveled abroad. I began interviewing them and created a user survey to collect information and data points about their needs, fears, and factors that influence their decisions.

User Personas

Based on the survey respondents and after identifying my potential users, I interviewed ten art students from Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Temple University to understand their accommodation experiences. I started by asking how they would find the room they like, how much they would spend, etc. I felt it was necessary to create personas to get a better understanding of the target user and how each could benefit from the app in different ways.

User Flow & Wireframe

I initially drew my prototypes on paper to visually experiment with the information I collected during user testing. Based on this testing, the early designs changed and developed quickly in this low-risk environment. I began the ideation process of wire-framing and sketching out the main screens. My goal was to provide a structure and design that would meet the needs of users while keeping the objectives of the app design.
